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Excalibur TRL

Excalibur Technologies Corporation

The Excalibur Text Retrieval Library (TRL) is a set of C subroutines forindexing and retrieving textual information. TRL uses Excalibur'sAdaptive Pattern Recognition Processor engine (APRP) for maximizingprecision, recall, and relevancy in applications that require either fulltext retrieval or ad hoc text query. Searches can use words, phrases,synonyms, concepts, Boolean expressions, proximity operators and naturallanguage. TRL automatically indexes text in any computer-generated dataincluding ASCII files, mail messages, SGML documents, and word processorfiles.The APRP engine delivers powerful pattern matching or "fuzzy searching"for unstructured or natural language queries and tolerates errors in thedata or the query that typically result in missed hits.Excalibur TRL is embedded in a variety of applications with more than15, users worldwide and delivers the highest performance content-basedretrieval available. It is the fastest way for OEMs, System Integratorsand VARs to offer advanced easy-to-use full text retrieval in theirapplications.Automatic IndexingTRL indexes every word and phrase from any electronic source includingrelational database fields. The index is constructed automatically andeliminates the need to pre-process the data or manually enter keywordtags. Only TRL delivers high-speed indexing and avoids the inherent flawsof requiring users to pre-define search terms in weighted hierarchicaltrees.RetrievalExcalibur TRL searches use all kinds of retrieval methods includingsimple keyword lookup, complex nested Boolean expressions, proximityoperators, and concept searches. The most powerful and easiest to use isTRL's Automatic Pattern Search which maximizes the information value inthe list of hits returned from any query. Hit Lists are returned asautomatically relevance-ranked vectors including hit number, score, andoriginal data link.System RequirementsTRL runs on AIX, Solaris, HPUX and OSF/1 UNIX systems with at least 8 MBof memory. Disk requirements depend on the application. Generally,developers should reserve between 15 and 70 percent of the original datafor index space. With all search features active, the index may requireup to 70 percent of the size of the original data, but this 70 percentincludes the ability to recreate the original data. Typical applicationsmay use between 15 and 20 percent.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.3

Excalibur Technologies Corporation
1921 Gallows Rd Ste 200
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 7037613700
Fax: 7037611990